Spring Memorials
Frequently asked questions about cemetery monuments
We are here to help. We’ve outlined some common questions below, but please do not hesitate to contact us with any other questions you may have!

What is a monument
A monument is far more than a means to mark the resting place of an individual or a family.
It is a symbol of devotion and a tangible expression of the noblest of human emotions … LOVE
It should not reflect sorrow, but rather celebrate the imprint a life has made on those who remain.
It is created because there was a life, not a death.
With proper selection and guidance, it can inspire reverence, purpose, and new hope for the living.
A monument calls out as a voice from yesterday,
… to all of us today,
… and to all not yet born
What type of material is used for cemetery monuments?
Over the centuries people have used from locally accessible stone like marble and limestone to even simple wooden crosses to commemorate special lives lost. In time with the advent and evolution of durable and harder tools everlasting granite rock is now used for the permanent marking of burial graves.
Where does granite stone come from?
Granite is a natural hard material that comes from the earth and is quarried throughout the world. At Spring Memorials we source this product from India to China to Minnesota in the USA, and right here in Canada; to give families a wide range of natural granite in many varied colours.
What are cemetery permits?
These are application forms required by many cemeteries where the monument company can advise the cemetery of monument dimensions and confirm that the stone meets cemetery regulations requirements.
Do monuments have to be a standard size and design?
No, many cemeteries allow families to create personalized reflections of their loved ones lives in stone of various sizes and custom designs.
What is a monument foundation?
It is the lawn level pad on which the monument is installed and can be made of concrete material or granite
Are monuments only available in black?
As granite is quarried throughout the world many colours of granite are available; from our Rainbow granite, to Sierra White and China Black.
Are all monuments the same thickness
The industry standard has evolved to monuments starting at 6 inches (6″) thick but families can choose upright monuments from even a 4 inches (4″) thickness.
Do funeral homes sell monuments?
Many funeral homes concentrate on services for the disposition of a body and refer families to monument suppliers who specialize in helping families with all their cemetery monument needs. For a funeral home near you please check the yellow pages.
Visit www.trinityfuneralhome.ca
When is the best time to purchase a memorial?
Purchasing a monument or memorial as a special and lasting tribute to your loved one can be difficult at any time, and should be done when the time feels right for you. Purchasing during the fall and winter months; considered the low season for purchases such as this; gives families the opportunity for sales promotions and for customized pieces to be manufactured in time for spring installation.